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PLENTY-LIFE establishes a strong consortium that fulfils scientific and technical merit beside balanced geographical distribution covering central, east and south European countries.

The 4 scientific research institutions have excellent reputation with long experience on the fields of integrated energy systems analysis and urban planning supported by rich record of international reference projects on urban energy system transformation, energy planning and advising cities and communities in formulating decarbonisation scenarios and long-term sustainable energy strategies.

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Founded in 1872, the Universität für Bodenkultur Wien / University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, known too by its acronym “BOKU” is an education and research institution for renewable resources in Vienna, Austria. Today, BOKU comprises 15 departments, located at two sites in Vienna and one in Lower Austria, as well as several external research and teaching facilities in Austria. There are currently approx. 11.000 students enrolled at BOKU, in study courses at bachelor, master and doctoral level. BOKU employs approx. 1.140 staff members engaged in teaching and research, a broad range of external lecturers, and approx. 630 employees working in services and administration. BOKU responds to central societal challenges with its focus on problem-solving rather than a discipline-oriented structure, combining expertise in the fields of natural sciences, engineering as well as social and economic sciences (three-pillar principle).  

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AIT is Austria’s largest non-university research institute with more than 1400 employees. AIT takes a leading position in the Austrian innovation system and a key role in Europe as the RTO focusing on the key infrastructure topics of the future.  

AIT provides research and technological development to realize basic innovations for the next generation of infrastructure related technologies in the fields of Energy, Transport Technologies, Health & Bioresources, Digital Safety & Security, Vision, Automation & Control and Technology Experience. These technological research areas are supplemented by the competence in the area of Innovation Systems & Policy.

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EURAC is an applied research center located in Bolzano, South Tyrol, founded in 1992. The Institute for Renewable Energy activities include national and international research projects, as well as direct cooperation with industry partners. The institute also supports the promotion of renewable energy technologies and assists political decision-makers by scientific consultancy. Scientific results are based on laboratory tests of single components and integrated energy systems, as well as the monitoring of applied demonstration sites, experimental outdoor installations and residential buildings. The institute offers support also in the elaboration of complex energy models as decision support systems for single energy systems or buildings as well as for urban and regional areas. The Institute is structured into five research groups, and one of that is the “URBAN AND REGIONAL ENERGY SYSTEMS” focusing on sustainable energy planning, decision support system, big data frameworks, economic and financial evaluations of energy solutions. Find more at:


EDP Centre for New Energy Technologies (EDP NEW) is a subsidiary of the EDP Group with the mission to create value through collaborative R&D in the energy sector. EDP NEW is entirely committed to research and development with a strong focus in technology demonstration projects. 

The result of an internal reorganization process in 2014, EDP NEW centralizes the Group’s R&D activities and is established inside EDP Labelec – EDP’s laboratory facilities and technical excellence center. Among other areas, EDP NEW is very active in the topics of smart energy systems, sustainability, smart cities, energy communities, renewable energies and flexibility. 

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Beia Consult International is an SME with R&D department, founded in 1991, and it is one of the leading providers of telecommunications equipment and solutions in Romania for enterprise communications.

Main activities domain and market – “enterprise communications”, a large customers portfolio (over 6000 public/private customers, located in Romania and abroad), Beia is an authorized distributor of Siemens, Voxtron, Dialogic, Dasan Electron, InVision, Tiptel, Beyertone, FMT and Dassault Systemes/Exalead. Beia references include over 5,000 turn-key projects for telephone exchanges, local and corporate networks, and advanced communications solutions.

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BuildWind is an engineering company founded in 2018, based in Brussels (Belgium). BuildWind uses advanced, three-dimensional numerical simulation to predict airflow, heat transfer and contaminant transport inside and around buildings. We assist city planners and building designers in creating healthier, safer and more sustainable urban and industrial environments. 

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eKUT is an engineering company located in lower Austria in the Waldviertel region. 

The team of eKUT GmbH brings a wide range of expertise and many years of experience 

  • Technology: construction, energy, mechatronics, electronics, mechanical engineering 
  • Organization: implementation structures, business models, communities, value chains, etc. 
  • Financing: assessment, bankability, participation, subsidies, etc. 
  • Socialization: motivation, competence building, networking, mediation, 
  • Environment-climate: environmental management, emissions balance and simulations 
  • IT: energy monitoring, etc. 
  • Project management 

eKUT bundles competence and many years of experience from local, regional and international projects. It is present at various levels within the region and is comprehensively networked – specialist companies, industry partnerships, manufacturers, consulting, planning, project operators, financing, institutions (e.g., fire brigades), politics, science, awareness-raising, for example. “Waldviertler Energiestammtisch”, Common Welfare Economy, Economic Forum, “Waldviertel” Academy, Pioneers of Change, Parents For Future. 

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Timis County is located in the western part of the country, on the border with Serbia and Hungary and is the largest county in Romania, with an area of 8,697 km2, representing 3.6% of the total area of the country. 

Timis County is part of the Danube - Cris - Mures - Tisa Euroregion (DKMT Region), together with Arad, Caras-Severin and Hunedoara counties and Csongrad, Bekesy, Bacs-Kiskun counties (Hungary) and the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Serbia). In 2020, the population of Timis County was 759,416 inhabitants, ranking 6th at national level. The population of Timis county counts as 3.4% of the total population of Romania. 

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Dolo is a small-middle-sized municipality located in the western area of ​​Veneto Region.  

The Municipality of Dolo (Comune di Dolo) is a territorial administrative unit which is part of the Italian Public Administration. Its activities are related to the provision of essential public services to its nearly 15.000 habitants and to locally deliver some of the public services related to the central Government or the Region. 

The Municipality of Dolo is responsible for the implementation of the administrative and regulatory issues, as well as for local decision making. 

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Castelfranco Veneto is a middle-sized city placed in the central area of ​​Veneto Region.  

The Municipality of Castelfranco Veneto (Comune di Castelfranco Veneto) is a territorial administrative unit which is part of the Italian Public Administration. Its activities are related to the provision of essential public services to its nearly 33.500 habitants, and to locally deliver some of the public services  related to the central Government or the Region. 

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Fundão, 700 km2 territory with 26521 inhabitants and a population density of 42 inhabitants/km2, for decades has registered population loss and economic activity weakening, same as for the entire interior region of Portugal. 

In this context, Fundão decided to design and implement a strong and determined strategy to try to reverse this scenario, having focused on creating an ecosystem favorable to attracting investment, encouraging people to stay in the region, creating jobs and conquering new markets for companies, products, and services. This plan became known as Fundão’s Innovation Plan and its essential purpose was to act decisively on all the factors that contribute to the competitiveness and attractiveness of a territory.

As a result of this strategy, today, and for the first time in decades, Fundão has a positive migratory balance, people from 73 different nationalities call it home, and appears on the radar of investors, attracted by an integrated and transversal ecosystem, composed of technology parks, incubation centres, R&D labs, advanced training centres, pioneer incentives for companies and professionals, talent retention programmes, experimental fields, digital skills promotion programmes and initiatives with a strong social impact, such as bootcamps to convert unemployed into IT (97% success rate). 

Thus, Fundão symbolises many of the emerging social, environmental, and economic problems of European cities, particularly cities located in low density territories, and can therefore become a model and end user for solutions capable of combining sustainability, inclusiveness, and beauty. The Municipality of Fundão strategy is centered on an idea of a smart, sustainable, and inclusive city, that focuses on its low density and rural dimension.

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