On June 24, 2024, the first workshop on “Visions for the energy future” was held in Eggenburg, which was attended by municipal representatives, stakeholders and citizens. After a brief introduction and project presentation, an insight into the current energy consumption situation in Eggenburg was provided based on three topic areas, followed by the interactive part of the event.
In three small groups, the participants discussed (1) the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of their municipality on the basis of the Energy Mosaic Austria (www.energiemosaik.at), (2) appropriate areas for district heating as well as climate friendly mobility and (3) energy consumption broken down by land use type, purposes of energy consumption and energy sources in various sub-areas of the municipality. Posters with graphics and maps as well as questions supported the small group discussions.
The participants were then asked to write their thoughts, ideas and possible challenges for the municipality on cards. The BOKU and eKUT team sorted these cards by topic and three main topics emerged that were of particular interest to the participants: Mobility, electricity and heat, and awareness-raising and public relations.
Three stations were prepared in view of the three main topics. The participants were able to choose one of the three stations according to their interests and discuss the following tasks: Aspirations/Strategic goals (Where do you think your city will/should develop?), Impacts (What form do you think these aspirations will take?), Tools (How can we do this?). The previously collected input was taken up and assigned and new ideas were developed. The result is a colorful collection of ideas that will both support the work in the project and be taken up at the next
workshop in the fall.