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PLENTY-Life project was put in motion

The PLENTY-LIFE project was launched on 29-30 November 2022 in Vienna (Austria), at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute of Spatial Planning, Environmental Planning and Land Rearrangement (IRUB), where the Kick-off meeting took place in a hybrid format. The EU-funded PLENTY-LIFE project will focus on establishing an innovative stakeholder-based holistic, integrated, spatial and energy planning (HISEP) methodology. 

The HISEP methodology will enhance the capacity of small and medium-sized cities and towns (SMCTs) in the field of integrated urban energy planning, thus enabling the preparation and monitorisation of long-term sustainable energy strategies and plans for managing the clean energy transition towards carbon neutrality, by 2030/2050.

A number of 7 Pilot Case Studies (SMCTs), demonstrating the Clean Energy Strategies preparation, will be defined in the following 4 partner countries: Austria (Horn and Eggenburg), Italy (Dolo and Castelfranco Veneto), Portugal (Fundao) and Romania (Sânnicolau Mare and Lugoj). Around these pilots, a comprehensive program of capacity building, stakeholder engagement and co-creation will be planned and carried out.

Next annual project meeting (face-to-face) was planned for 18-19 September 2023 in Fundao, Portugal.

The PLENTY-LIFE project is coordinated by BOKU – Universitaet Fuer Bodenkultur Wien, AT and consists of 11 consortium members from 5 EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Romania. The consortium members are AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology GMBH, AT; EURAC – Accademia Europea Di Bolzano, IT; EDP CNET – Centre for New Energy Technologies SA, PT; BEIA – BEIA Consult International SRL, RO; BuildWind SPRL, BE; eKUT GmbH, AT; Timis County (Județul Timis), RO; Comune Di Dolo, IT; CASTELFRANCOV – Comune Di Castelfranco Veneto, IT; and FUNDAO (CMF) – Municipio Do Fundao, PT.