Institutionalised cross-sector PLanning and dedicated capacity building to ENable small and medium-sized municipalities to develop and monitor sustainable strategies for the Transition to clean energY
Reference: LIFE21-CET-LOCAL-PLENTY-LIFE/101081061
Start Date: 01/11/2022;
End Date: 31/10/2025;
Total Eligible Budget: 1,837,707 €;
EU Contribution: 1,745,822 €;
Coordinator: Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
The PLENTY-LIFE project will focus on establishing an innovative methodology of stakeholder-based holistic integrated spatial and energy planning (HISEP) methodology. HISEP comprises building capacity of SMCTs in the field of integrated urban energy planning to enable them preparing and monitoring long-term sustainable energy strategies and plans tailored for their specific conditions to manage the clean energy transition and achieve carbon neutrality by 2030/2050.
Besides, it aims at Institutionalising the HISEP methodology that implies a cross-sectoral planning process -integrating energy system with other development sectors- to plan the energy transition towards and achieve sustainable and efficient carbon neutral SMCTs.